Vrellos beach in Spetses island

John KarkalatosAugust 22, 2024

I think that when you go to Spetses you should visit Vrellos both for the pleasant waters and for the natural beauty.


A rather pleasant beach with pebbles, pine landscape and a beach bar that offers sunbeds, seats in the shade of pine trees and a menu of drinks, salads, snacks, pizzas, cocktails and drinks. There is of course also a shower.


The beach bar in Vrellos

If you go by bike or tricycle (in Spetses as perhaps you know cars are prohibited), you can easily go down the road to the beach, there is also a small but sufficient parking lot. You can also go by bus from Poseidonio Square. You will find a timetable at the kiosk in the port as soon as you get off the ferry.

The hotels I recommend in Spetses are:

Search for hotel deals in Spetses


Below is a map with the exact location of the beach.

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